Over the past four months, I have been writing a blog about graduating seniors who are ready to head out into the real world. I wrote this blog to not only help myself out with the infamous job hunt, but to help everyone else out there who may be feeling as nervous about all of this as I am. I thought that in my last blog, I would do a sort of review of what I have learned over the past semester from my blog and what you out there have also hopefully learned.
Monster and Craigslist are good first places to start the job search when you see your graduation date SCREAMING out at you.
A resume is the first place to begin, where you have to outline each section, making headlines not too specific, and always including the most impressive tasks that you have performed within each section.
You should sit down and really think of what your dream job is. It's fun and it can get that first resume out. My dream job has always been to work for People Magazine and that's exactly where my first resume went to.
During my summer in Manhattan, I learned all about networking and how important it can be to your future and it is the best opportunity to make connections. With a goal in mind, you will be able to find the go-to-person in that industry, talk to speakers and get their e-mail address, and talk to friends of friends, you never know who you'll meet.
An interview can be like a date, you don't want to do anything to kill the mood and you always want to make a good impression. By staying away from being needy, lousy nonverbal communication, falling into the answers-only rut, and rambling, you should be fine with your interviews.
The Job Hunt. Here's some advice: make sure to draw a clear picture of yourself in your resume, making the employer want to know more about you. Don't be narrow, stand out and be unique when presenting yourself to employers. And treat your hunt like a development project.
Apply to University of Dreams and have the summer of a lifetime. While working at Blackbook Magazine, I lived in New York City, saw a Broadway play, traveled to Atlantic City, hung out in Bloomingdales and at the Today Show on my days off, and met the most amazing people.
Appearance is very important to the working world. The appropriate business attire for men is usually a suit and for women is a blouse with skirts with light make-up. You shouldn't chew gum and you might want to cover your tattoos.
Tips to manage stress. Avoid using drugs and alcohol, manage your time effectively, exercise, eat healthy foods, think positively, and learn to control worry.
The job-search timeline. It's the end of April, so that means you should be continuing looking for as many job opportunities as you can find. May begins next week, which means some of you should be finalizing your summer job plans.
Location, location, location. You should really think of where you want to live and then apply to jobs in that area. Your job is only one part of your life, so you should be able to enjoy where you live and its environment and atmosphere. New York City and San Diego are in the top ten big city list and Scottsdale, AZ and Sugarland, TX made it on the top ten smaller city list.
Dress for the job that you have. No matter what you wear, your clothes should be neat and clean and you should still make a good impression while presenting yourself. If your job allows you to wear jeans and cowboy boots, then wear them, but if your job asks you to wear a business suit, then wear that as well. The main idea is to fit in.
The waiting game. You've sent the resumes, done the interviews, now what? Don't put all of your eggs in one basket and keep on searching. You could use other job opportunities to your advantage, but make sure to keep in touch with the employers that you have interviewed with because you never know what could happen in the future, even if you didn't get the job that you applied for.
I hope that ALL of you are a little bit closer to stepping out into the real world and aren't as nervous as when I first posted to my blog in January. I think that I'm a lot more ready than four months ago, and I should be, countdown to graduation is now at...19 days!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
After the Interview...What to do?
So...what should one be doing after the interview process, during the waiting game? One thing is for sure, don't stop applying to other jobs, because putting all of your eggs in one basket is not a good idea.
The one interview that I have had went really really well, but since then, I have been involved with the waiting game. I've been crossing off each day that passes, anticipating the day that they told me they would be contacting me. All I can say is that this game is kinda tough. I pretty much did put all of my eggs in one basket and it may have backfired. So, I myself have been looking for some advice on what to do during this so-called waiting game and I thought that I could share it with all of you. In this article, "The Waiting Game," Caroline Levchuck shares some after the interview advice.
The real test after the interview, she says is...waiting for an offer. "Companies can take a long time to make a job offer. And some will conduct a second, third or even fourth interview before choosing a candidate." Here is how you should conduct yourself between the interview and the final decision.
You may be asking questions, such as, "How often should you follow up?" "What can you do to keep yourself in contention for the job?" "And is there any way to speed up the decision-making process?" The answer is simple...Stay in Touch.
But how does one stay in touch without coming across as being annoying?
Levchuck says that there is a fine line between being conscientious and being annoying. "Don't wait for the recruiter to contact you. You need to keep in touch not just to stay informed about the interview process, but also to stay fresh in the recruiter's mind."
After the interview, candidates should wait one week before following up. And when you follow up, remind them of your interest in the position. Ask them what the next step is and find out when the company anticipates making their decision.
Levchuck's next major point...Don't Stop Searching
Don't put all of your eggs in one basket
Don't take a break from your job search, this is one of the biggest mistakes that job seekers make, in the hopes that an offer is certain.
It is hard to predict if you'll be offered a particular job, so even though you may be confident, keep looking.
If the offer does come, you won't lose your momentum, and you'll also increase your chance of getting another offer, which will helpful when negotiating.
If your job search is going pretty well, and if you're lucky and ambitious, you may get other jobs offers while you're waiting for others.
You could use your other job offer to your advantage, especially to speed up the hiring process, but be careful. If you're a top-candidate for the job, then the company may speed up the process in order not to lose you, but if you're not, it may be unsuccessful.
Let the recruiter know that you have recieved another job offer and are seriously considering it. Give the recruiter a certain date that you need to respond to the other job offer and if it would be possible for them to give you an offer by then.
Don't expect a decision in 24 or even 48 hours. Make sure that you give the recruiter a reasonable amount of time.
And finally...Don't Think It's Time Wasted
Put yourself in this position (and maybe even in my shoes): You don't get the job and you have been waiting for weeks, counting on an offer. Don't think of it as a waste of your time. You have made valuable contacts throughout the process within the company and within the industry.
If you have established a good relationship with the recruiter or the hiring manager, send them a brief note, thanking them for their time and how much you have enjoyed meeting with them and ask them to keep you in mind for future positions.
Take Caroline's advice and good luck with getting offers! But in the meantime, don't forget about that job search, it's crucial!
Countdown to Graduation...26 days!
The one interview that I have had went really really well, but since then, I have been involved with the waiting game. I've been crossing off each day that passes, anticipating the day that they told me they would be contacting me. All I can say is that this game is kinda tough. I pretty much did put all of my eggs in one basket and it may have backfired. So, I myself have been looking for some advice on what to do during this so-called waiting game and I thought that I could share it with all of you. In this article, "The Waiting Game," Caroline Levchuck shares some after the interview advice.
The real test after the interview, she says is...waiting for an offer. "Companies can take a long time to make a job offer. And some will conduct a second, third or even fourth interview before choosing a candidate." Here is how you should conduct yourself between the interview and the final decision.
You may be asking questions, such as, "How often should you follow up?" "What can you do to keep yourself in contention for the job?" "And is there any way to speed up the decision-making process?" The answer is simple...Stay in Touch.
But how does one stay in touch without coming across as being annoying?
Levchuck says that there is a fine line between being conscientious and being annoying. "Don't wait for the recruiter to contact you. You need to keep in touch not just to stay informed about the interview process, but also to stay fresh in the recruiter's mind."
After the interview, candidates should wait one week before following up. And when you follow up, remind them of your interest in the position. Ask them what the next step is and find out when the company anticipates making their decision.
Levchuck's next major point...Don't Stop Searching
Don't put all of your eggs in one basket
Don't take a break from your job search, this is one of the biggest mistakes that job seekers make, in the hopes that an offer is certain.
It is hard to predict if you'll be offered a particular job, so even though you may be confident, keep looking.
If the offer does come, you won't lose your momentum, and you'll also increase your chance of getting another offer, which will helpful when negotiating.
If your job search is going pretty well, and if you're lucky and ambitious, you may get other jobs offers while you're waiting for others.
You could use your other job offer to your advantage, especially to speed up the hiring process, but be careful. If you're a top-candidate for the job, then the company may speed up the process in order not to lose you, but if you're not, it may be unsuccessful.
Let the recruiter know that you have recieved another job offer and are seriously considering it. Give the recruiter a certain date that you need to respond to the other job offer and if it would be possible for them to give you an offer by then.
Don't expect a decision in 24 or even 48 hours. Make sure that you give the recruiter a reasonable amount of time.
And finally...Don't Think It's Time Wasted
Put yourself in this position (and maybe even in my shoes): You don't get the job and you have been waiting for weeks, counting on an offer. Don't think of it as a waste of your time. You have made valuable contacts throughout the process within the company and within the industry.
If you have established a good relationship with the recruiter or the hiring manager, send them a brief note, thanking them for their time and how much you have enjoyed meeting with them and ask them to keep you in mind for future positions.
Take Caroline's advice and good luck with getting offers! But in the meantime, don't forget about that job search, it's crucial!
Countdown to Graduation...26 days!
Monday, April 9, 2007
I had no idea I could spend my summer wearing cowboy boots and sandals to work everyday...
I think that the way you present yourself is one way in which people judge first impressions off of.
As I prepared for my first internship last summer, one of the things I was most curious about and the one thing that I wanted to make sure was perfect, was how I was supposed to dress at my new job. I really had no idea. The internship was in New York City at Blackbook, a progressive culture magazine. Luckily, my boss sent me an email explaining the proper attire according to Blackbook's standards. She wrote, "As far as dress code goes, all I ask is that you look presentable. 99% of our staff wears jeans everyday. If we go on a walk-through of an event space or you have to deliver a package to say, the VP of Ralph Lauren, I just ask that you look presentable in representing BlackBook. ABSOLUTELY NO need for any sort of corporate attire…definitely not our scene…" When I saw the word, "jeans," I was ecstatic! I never thought that I would be able to wear jeans everyday to work, I had had a picture in my mind of a nice suit. As long as I looked presentable, I was fine, and I was SO ready to shop.
I tried to think of living in Manhattan and style my look off of things that I had seen in magazines and what I felt was in style at the time I would be spending in the Big Apple. I found cute, yet comfortable shoes that would soon be traded in for my now favorite cowboy boots and gold Jack Rogers, (a sandal that was seen in every color in Blackbook's office)
jeans of every shade of blue, shirts and tanks with crazy designs, and a few dresses that would soon be fashioned at some of Blackbook's events. I actually ended up buying most of my wardrobe once I got into the city and after I spent my first week at Blackbook. What I realized most was that I needed to fit in to their work environment, dressing for the job that I had.
Dawn Rosenberg McKay, the author of the article "Clothes Make the Man (or Woman)," explains that choosing a wardrobe for your job can be difficult. Suits and the usual navy blue are more of a corporate attire, usually for bankers and accountants. So, she asks, what do you wear if you are about to work in an industry that doesn't really have a typical style of dress? What if the job says to dress casual, when do you cross the line between casual and sloppy? Here are Dawn's tips:
No matter what you were, your clothes should be neat and clean.
Keep your shoes in good condition.
Your hair should be neatly styled.
For women: makeup should be subtle.
Nails should be clean and neat and of reasonable length.
And most importantly...Dress for the job you want.
And if you're still not sure, Dawn praises khakis as always being a safe choice as well as sport shirts or nice sweaters.
Like I had wanted to fit in with the work environment after being at Blackbook for a few days, Dawn also says that you want to give the impression that you fit in. One way of doing this, is looking at what the other employees are wearing and try to example what you choose to wear from them.
And if you have any questions, just ask your employer before you begin working. You would hate it if you stepped into the office the first day, dressed in a suit, as if you were ready to make an investment deal and everyone else was wearing jeans, and vice versa. Be confident in what you wear and dress for the job you have.
Happy Shopping!
Countdown to Graduation...33 days!
As I prepared for my first internship last summer, one of the things I was most curious about and the one thing that I wanted to make sure was perfect, was how I was supposed to dress at my new job. I really had no idea. The internship was in New York City at Blackbook, a progressive culture magazine. Luckily, my boss sent me an email explaining the proper attire according to Blackbook's standards. She wrote, "As far as dress code goes, all I ask is that you look presentable. 99% of our staff wears jeans everyday. If we go on a walk-through of an event space or you have to deliver a package to say, the VP of Ralph Lauren, I just ask that you look presentable in representing BlackBook. ABSOLUTELY NO need for any sort of corporate attire…definitely not our scene…" When I saw the word, "jeans," I was ecstatic! I never thought that I would be able to wear jeans everyday to work, I had had a picture in my mind of a nice suit. As long as I looked presentable, I was fine, and I was SO ready to shop.

Dawn Rosenberg McKay, the author of the article "Clothes Make the Man (or Woman)," explains that choosing a wardrobe for your job can be difficult. Suits and the usual navy blue are more of a corporate attire, usually for bankers and accountants. So, she asks, what do you wear if you are about to work in an industry that doesn't really have a typical style of dress? What if the job says to dress casual, when do you cross the line between casual and sloppy? Here are Dawn's tips:
No matter what you were, your clothes should be neat and clean.
Keep your shoes in good condition.
Your hair should be neatly styled.
For women: makeup should be subtle.
Nails should be clean and neat and of reasonable length.
And most importantly...Dress for the job you want.
And if you're still not sure, Dawn praises khakis as always being a safe choice as well as sport shirts or nice sweaters.
Like I had wanted to fit in with the work environment after being at Blackbook for a few days, Dawn also says that you want to give the impression that you fit in. One way of doing this, is looking at what the other employees are wearing and try to example what you choose to wear from them.
And if you have any questions, just ask your employer before you begin working. You would hate it if you stepped into the office the first day, dressed in a suit, as if you were ready to make an investment deal and everyone else was wearing jeans, and vice versa. Be confident in what you wear and dress for the job you have.
Happy Shopping!
Countdown to Graduation...33 days!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Location! Location! Location!
As the countdown to graduation begins, I am basically looking for a job anywhere and am going to take whatever I get offered, and wherever. But the wherever part is a little more complicated. I think that location is one of my main factors of where I will end up taking a job. As far as I'm concerned, your job is one part of your life and the other part is where you live and what you do outside of work. Therefore, you would want the perfect location. Whether it's a small or a big city that fits you, here are some of the best places to live in as of 2007, thanks to CNN. You never know, one of these places could be where you end up. Or maybe it could just jump start the job search and resume process.
Fort Collins, Colorado
A city of a population of 128,000, Fort Collins has low-crime and good jobs in a high-tech economy, as well as a great outdoor life. Located in the Rocky Mountains, there are restaurants, night life and culture, and places for boating and swimming.
Naperville, Illinois
With a riverwalk that takes you around the city's downtown area, Naperville is a great place for people-watching and listening to concerts. Having more green space than most cities, there is a lot to offer when it comes to shopping, jazz, and restaurants.
Sugar Land, Texas
Although a very humid city, Sugar Land is one of the country's more diverse communties. Since the 80s, it has become less of a sleepy small town and more a place of good jobs and affordable housing.
Columbia/Ellicott City, Maryland
With a charming downtown, a large selection of townhomes and apartments, as well as a mall that they say has everything. There is also a major music venue and a 30,000-square foot arts center that the county runs.
Cary, North Carolina
With one of the country's lowest crime rates, Cary isn't far from Raleigh, and the software maker SAS is based there. 50% of its 10,000 jobs are in the area, and arts and crafts festivals are common visitors to the downtown area.
Overland Park, Kansas
Considered the secondd-biggest city in Kansas, there is a large job market as a third of Fortune 500 companies have offices in the area.
Scottsdale, Arizona
Although it is seen as a perfect place for golf-obsessed retirees, this Arizonan city offers year-round residents a wealth of job opportunities and recreation and a 113-mile area of paths and parks.
Boise, Idaho
With the rocky mountains serving as a beautiful backdrop, Boise's downtown area is filled with boutiques, restaurants, and a farmer's market ever Saturday in the summer. The capital city has a booming economy and plenty of government jobs.
Fairfield, Connecticut
Considered to be in the New York metro area, Fairfield also is home to two Fortune 500 companies and plenty to do in it's thriving downtown.
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
A hot spot for businesses, this onetime cow town now is home to a tech-industry.
Colorado Springs, Colorado
With a population of almost 370,000, HP and Intel are large employers in this large city as well as home to three bases and the Air Force Academy.

Austin, Texas
Claiming to have more music venues and restaurants per capita than any other U.S. city, Austin's nickname is Silicon Hills due to its large number of tech employers. And did you know that the city's unofficial motto is "Keep Austin weird."
Mesa, Arizona
With the cost of living half to what it is in San Francisco, this Phoenix outskirt, has turned into the latest "boomburb."
Raleigh, North Carolina
Named after Sir Walter Raleigh, this city is an incubator for cutting-edge tech firms and is described as a park with a city in it due to its amount of green space.
San Diego, California
Nicknamed, "America's Finest City," San Diego is now the No. 1 biotech area in the U.S.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
With 38 miles of waterfront, this up-and-coming military town has affordable homes and a growth of tech companies.
Omaha, Nebraska
Home to the world's largest indoor rain forest, Omaha is famous for steaks and Warren Buffet, as well as a booming downtown riverfront.
Columbus, Ohio
Considered Ohio's largest city, Columbus is a thriving college town for those of you who are not yet ready to leave college atmosphere behind.
Wichita, Kansas
With more sunny days in Wichita than in Daytona Beach or Honolulu, this big city is known as the "air capital of the world" with 46,000 aerospace jobs in the area.
New York City, New York
With a population of over 8 million people, the Big Apple has the third lowest crime rate among the 25 biggest cities in the U.S. The city that never sleeps has a little bit of everything for everyone and is definitely the place where I hope to be calling home after graduation in May. One of the many reasons why I heart NYC so much.
So check these places out, you never know, one day you could be enjoying the perks of one of these great cities.
Countdown to Graduation...40 days!
Fort Collins, Colorado
A city of a population of 128,000, Fort Collins has low-crime and good jobs in a high-tech economy, as well as a great outdoor life. Located in the Rocky Mountains, there are restaurants, night life and culture, and places for boating and swimming.
Naperville, Illinois
With a riverwalk that takes you around the city's downtown area, Naperville is a great place for people-watching and listening to concerts. Having more green space than most cities, there is a lot to offer when it comes to shopping, jazz, and restaurants.

Although a very humid city, Sugar Land is one of the country's more diverse communties. Since the 80s, it has become less of a sleepy small town and more a place of good jobs and affordable housing.
Columbia/Ellicott City, Maryland
With a charming downtown, a large selection of townhomes and apartments, as well as a mall that they say has everything. There is also a major music venue and a 30,000-square foot arts center that the county runs.
Cary, North Carolina
With one of the country's lowest crime rates, Cary isn't far from Raleigh, and the software maker SAS is based there. 50% of its 10,000 jobs are in the area, and arts and crafts festivals are common visitors to the downtown area.
Overland Park, Kansas
Considered the secondd-biggest city in Kansas, there is a large job market as a third of Fortune 500 companies have offices in the area.

Although it is seen as a perfect place for golf-obsessed retirees, this Arizonan city offers year-round residents a wealth of job opportunities and recreation and a 113-mile area of paths and parks.

With the rocky mountains serving as a beautiful backdrop, Boise's downtown area is filled with boutiques, restaurants, and a farmer's market ever Saturday in the summer. The capital city has a booming economy and plenty of government jobs.
Fairfield, Connecticut
Considered to be in the New York metro area, Fairfield also is home to two Fortune 500 companies and plenty to do in it's thriving downtown.

A hot spot for businesses, this onetime cow town now is home to a tech-industry.

With a population of almost 370,000, HP and Intel are large employers in this large city as well as home to three bases and the Air Force Academy.

Austin, Texas
Claiming to have more music venues and restaurants per capita than any other U.S. city, Austin's nickname is Silicon Hills due to its large number of tech employers. And did you know that the city's unofficial motto is "Keep Austin weird."
Mesa, Arizona
With the cost of living half to what it is in San Francisco, this Phoenix outskirt, has turned into the latest "boomburb."
Raleigh, North Carolina
Named after Sir Walter Raleigh, this city is an incubator for cutting-edge tech firms and is described as a park with a city in it due to its amount of green space.

Nicknamed, "America's Finest City," San Diego is now the No. 1 biotech area in the U.S.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
With 38 miles of waterfront, this up-and-coming military town has affordable homes and a growth of tech companies.
Omaha, Nebraska
Home to the world's largest indoor rain forest, Omaha is famous for steaks and Warren Buffet, as well as a booming downtown riverfront.

Considered Ohio's largest city, Columbus is a thriving college town for those of you who are not yet ready to leave college atmosphere behind.
Wichita, Kansas
With more sunny days in Wichita than in Daytona Beach or Honolulu, this big city is known as the "air capital of the world" with 46,000 aerospace jobs in the area.

With a population of over 8 million people, the Big Apple has the third lowest crime rate among the 25 biggest cities in the U.S. The city that never sleeps has a little bit of everything for everyone and is definitely the place where I hope to be calling home after graduation in May. One of the many reasons why I heart NYC so much.
So check these places out, you never know, one day you could be enjoying the perks of one of these great cities.
Countdown to Graduation...40 days!
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Job-Search Timeline
Throughout the past couple months, I have been wondering whether or not I was on schedule with the job search process and if I was sending out resumes and cover letters to hopeful employers at the right time. This past Friday I had a phone interview with University of Dreams for a spot on their summer staff in Manhattan for the summer. After reading an article that was posted on FastWeb, I realized that I am on track for landing a job by the time summer approaches. At least that's the plan. Here is the timeline by Peter Vogt that was posted, to help with certain deadlines and to help keep you focused. Within each list of criteria, there are links with further advice from Peter's post.
February and March
In these two months, you should be determining which type of summer job you would like. You should list certain criteria to help with your search:
Where you want or need to get a job.
How much money you'd like to make.
Key skills to build.
Areas of interest and/or organizations to explore.
Assess your current skill set, either by yourself or with a counselor at your school's career center, to determine which key skills an employer might need this summer.
With guidance from a campus career counselor, develop a basic resume and cover letter to apply for summer positions.
Begin looking for specific job opportunities using:
Online resources like MonsterTRAK and Monster.
Friends, family members, relatives, professors and others who can direct you toward job possibilities.
City-specific resources.
Continue looking for job opportunities.
Start applying for jobs, being sure to follow the employer's directions. Some companies require a resume and cover letter. Others want you to fill out a company application.
Ask professors, previous coworkers and supervisors, and others who know you professionally if they'll serve as references. If possible, have each person write you a one-page letter of recommendation to give prospective employers.
Follow up with companies you've applied to. Make sure your materials have been received and that each company has everything it needs to consider you.
If possible, schedule interviews with companies of interest.
Start researching housing options for summer if applicable.
Practice answering summer job interview questions, either with a friend or a career center counselor at your school. Research companies and jobs before the interview.
Finalize summer living arrangements.
Schedule job interviews.
Go on job interviews, and follow up with thank-you notes.
If the right job is offered, accept it.
If you don't have a solid line on a job, get some help from your school's career center -- preferably before spring semester ends if your summer plans will take you away from campus. You can also step up your networking efforts. Ask your parents, friends, professors and others if they know of available summer jobs.
Show up for your first day on time and prepared.
Talk to your new supervisor about the skills you'd like to further develop.
Go beyond the minimum to make a good, lasting impression on your supervisor and coworkers.
And lastly, if you are looking for another place to send out a resume, here's a video that gives an inside look into Google, in which Fortune Magazine describes as the best company to work for in America. Talk about a fun work day!
February and March
In these two months, you should be determining which type of summer job you would like. You should list certain criteria to help with your search:
Where you want or need to get a job.
How much money you'd like to make.
Key skills to build.
Areas of interest and/or organizations to explore.
Assess your current skill set, either by yourself or with a counselor at your school's career center, to determine which key skills an employer might need this summer.
With guidance from a campus career counselor, develop a basic resume and cover letter to apply for summer positions.
Begin looking for specific job opportunities using:
Online resources like MonsterTRAK and Monster.
Friends, family members, relatives, professors and others who can direct you toward job possibilities.
City-specific resources.
Continue looking for job opportunities.
Start applying for jobs, being sure to follow the employer's directions. Some companies require a resume and cover letter. Others want you to fill out a company application.
Ask professors, previous coworkers and supervisors, and others who know you professionally if they'll serve as references. If possible, have each person write you a one-page letter of recommendation to give prospective employers.
Follow up with companies you've applied to. Make sure your materials have been received and that each company has everything it needs to consider you.
If possible, schedule interviews with companies of interest.
Start researching housing options for summer if applicable.
Practice answering summer job interview questions, either with a friend or a career center counselor at your school. Research companies and jobs before the interview.
Finalize summer living arrangements.
Schedule job interviews.
Go on job interviews, and follow up with thank-you notes.
If the right job is offered, accept it.
If you don't have a solid line on a job, get some help from your school's career center -- preferably before spring semester ends if your summer plans will take you away from campus. You can also step up your networking efforts. Ask your parents, friends, professors and others if they know of available summer jobs.
Show up for your first day on time and prepared.
Talk to your new supervisor about the skills you'd like to further develop.
Go beyond the minimum to make a good, lasting impression on your supervisor and coworkers.
And lastly, if you are looking for another place to send out a resume, here's a video that gives an inside look into Google, in which Fortune Magazine describes as the best company to work for in America. Talk about a fun work day!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Managing Stress
I'm back from Spring break and I've come to the conclusion that I need another week to relax from the events of the break. I was definitely not ready to go to my 10 a.m. class this morning and I'm definitely not ready to continue the "sending out resume slash job hunt" process. There are only about six weeks of classes left and with end of the semester projects and tests for classes, graduation details, and the real world job search, I don't know about all of you, but I'm a little stressed, actually A LOT stressed! I found some tips on the University of Pittsburgh's health education website that can help you manage those stressful moments and to make the next couple months go smoother.

1. Manage Your Time Effectively: Making to-do lists and using a daily planner can allow you to map out all your class assignments, work hours, meetings, and of course time for yourself. You should prioritize the most important activities and do them first.
2. Exercise: Physical activity is one of the best ways when it comes to dealing with stress. While releasing endorphines, it is able to give you a natural "high."
3. Avoid Using Drugs or Alcohol: Drugs and alcohol will only mask the symptoms of stress and once you stop using them, the stress will return.
4. Take a Break: During the day, you should schedule time for short breaks to help minimize your stress. Stretch, visit a friend, or go for a walk. These short breaks will help you work more efficiently.
5. Minimize Interruptions: When you have something really important that you need to get done, make sure to block off a time so that you will not be disturbed or have any distractions. Go to a place where no one can find you and turn your phone to silent.

6. Eat Healthy Foods: Make sure to pack healthy foods if you are going to be gone all day and avoid food that is high in sugar, fat, and sodium. Make sure not to skip meals because that will make you have less energy.
7. Think Positive and Learn to Control Worry: Instead of focusing on the negative thoughts, focus on the positive things in your life and say at least one positive thing about yourself and your life everyday. Worrying about things you can't change or always expecting the worst is a waste of time.
8. Know When You Need Help and Get It: Seeking help is not a sign of weakness. There are many resources, especially at universities, available to students to help deal with stress and other problems.
9. Learn to Say NO: Don't feel guilty when you have to tell others no. If you take on additional projects or work for others when you are already busy will cause more stress that you don't need.
10: Put Stressful Situations in Perspective: You should think to yourself, "Will this really matter in a month or a year from now?"
11. Get Enough Sleep: Most people need around 6-9 hours of sleep per night, but if you're under a lot of stress, many people will just forget about sleep when they have to finish work. Don't let this happen.
To read more about dealing with stress from the University of Pittsburgh's health education website, click here .
Friday, March 9, 2007
How To Dress
So before I leave for Spring Break, I have a few tips for those of you who have been called back for an interview. Appearance is very important and so are first impressions. According to Allison Doyle, here is a little appearance advice on how to dress for your interview. And although, each work place may be different when it comes to the specific attire, but you should introduce yourself with a sharp appearance and a good first impression.
Men's Interview Attire
Suit (solid color - navy or dark grey)
Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit)
Dark socks, conservative leather shoes
Little or no jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Limit the aftershave
Neatly trimmed nails
Portfolio or briefcase
Women's Interview Attire
Suit (navy, black or dark grey)
The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably
Coordinated blouse
Conservative shoes
Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets)
Professional hairstyle
Neutral pantyhose
Light make-up and perfume
Neatly manicured clean nails
Portfolio or briefcase
What Not to Bring to the Interview
Cell phone
Coffee or soda
If you have lots of piercings, leave some of your rings at home (earrings only, is a good rule)
Cover tattoos
Interview Attire Tips
Before you even think about going on an interview, make sure you have appropriate interview attire and everything fits correctly.
Get your clothes ready the night before, so you don't have to spend time getting them ready on the day of the interview.
If your clothes are dry clean only, take them to the cleaners after an interview, so they are ready for next time.
Polish your shoes.
Bring a breath mint and use it before you enter the building.
So keep Allison's information in mind when you begin shopping for interview clothes and make that first impression stick in your hopefully future employer's mind.
For more information about dressing for interviews, visit, Tips from Allison and others
Men's Interview Attire
Suit (solid color - navy or dark grey)
Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit)
Dark socks, conservative leather shoes
Little or no jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Limit the aftershave
Neatly trimmed nails
Portfolio or briefcase
Women's Interview Attire
Suit (navy, black or dark grey)
The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably
Coordinated blouse
Conservative shoes
Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms full of bracelets)
Professional hairstyle
Neutral pantyhose
Light make-up and perfume
Neatly manicured clean nails
Portfolio or briefcase
What Not to Bring to the Interview
Cell phone
Coffee or soda
If you have lots of piercings, leave some of your rings at home (earrings only, is a good rule)
Cover tattoos
Interview Attire Tips
Before you even think about going on an interview, make sure you have appropriate interview attire and everything fits correctly.
Get your clothes ready the night before, so you don't have to spend time getting them ready on the day of the interview.
If your clothes are dry clean only, take them to the cleaners after an interview, so they are ready for next time.
Polish your shoes.
Bring a breath mint and use it before you enter the building.
So keep Allison's information in mind when you begin shopping for interview clothes and make that first impression stick in your hopefully future employer's mind.
For more information about dressing for interviews, visit, Tips from Allison and others
Monday, March 5, 2007
University of Dreams
I know that I've talked about my summer with University of Dreams a lot, and I swear this is the last time I'm going to, it'll be hard not to, but I'll try my hardest, I just might break a promise, sorry. But since I had such a fantastic summer with this internship program and the deadline to apply is getting close, I thought that I'd spend this blog promoting the program for those of you who are looking for an internship during the summer to help with gaining experience in the field that you're intereseted in.
University of Dreams offers internships in many industries, including: Advertising, Fashion, Marketing, Finance, Theatre/Arts, Hospitality & Tourism, Non-Profit, Real Estate, Legal, Photography, Publishing, Technology, Event Planning, Public RelationsTelevision and Broadcasting, and Music Radio.
This is a guaranteed internship program, which means, you are guaranteed an internship in the city of your choice, and if not, you are given your money back. But the chances of not being placed are extremely unlikely. According to the program's website, in the six years that they have been running their summer internship programs, they have successfully placed over 99% of enrolled participants. Not a bad deal right. To be eligible for the progam, you must be a full-time college student at a four-year university or have graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's Degree, but you must be within the age of 18-26. Your GPA should be 2.5 or higher and all majors are welcome.
The cost of the program differs according to which city you choose to live in.
New York: $7,499
The dates of the program also differs according to which city you live in:
New York Session 1: 5/27 - 7/21
The application deadline for San Francisco, Chicago, Barcelona, Los Angeles, and London is May 1, and the deadline for both sessions of New York is April 1.
My experience in New York City was the best experience I have ever had. Throughout the summer, I interned at BlackBook Magazine in NoHo, (BlackBook's office on Broadway seen below) in the advertising sec
tion. I loved every second of it. I took the subway to work everyday, ate lunch in little cafes on cobblestone sidewalks, delivered packages throughout the whole city, attended parties at VIP clubs in which the magazine hosted, and was able to sell ads for the magazine's 10th Anniversary Issue.
I lived in one of NYU's dorms, located in Union Square, was provided with dinner everynight and a little extra money on my I.D. card for groceries in the dining hall and the Dunkin Donut's next door. I lived in an apartment style dorm with three other roommates from different schools, who I am still in contact with now. I attended weekly seminars every Wednesday night, with guest speakers such as Patrick Combs, who inspired us to break a 1-inch board in half with our hand, Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a Ghanaian who overcame a disability to achieve his dreams, and Eric Lochtefeld, the company's founder.
Throughout the summer I was able to go on a double-decker bus tour through Manhattan and into Brooklyn, see the Broadway play "Rent," attend a Yankee's game against the Chicago White Sox, travel to Atlantic City for the fourth of July weekend, hop aboard a sunset cruise around NYC's harbor, and party at a VIP club the progam rented out just for the dreamers.
On my day's off, I found myself shopping at Bloomingdale's, constantly visiting the T
oday Show until I finally was able to meet Matt Lauer (seen below signing his autograph for me), walking through museums, sitting on the beach at Coney Island, and walking around Greenwich Village.
I have nothing but great things to say about University of Dreams. The program and the staff were so organized and for me, it was probably the biggest and scariest thing I had ever gotten myself into, and each member of the staff was so helpful and made it so easy for me to make the transition from a small town to a big city. It really was the summer of a lifetime. I met so many great new friends and made so many memories that will last forever.
University of Dreams is an all-inclusive summer internship program for college students. You spend two months in one of the following cities: Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Barcelona. You are able to choose your own internship and meet many different people from not only the United States, but throughout the world. Within the program, you get a professionally revised resume and interview coaching with the help of a placement agent, housing, your meals provided, academic course credit, transportation to and from work, weekly seminars from inspirational speakers, weekend activities, and a summer of a lifetime.
University of Dreams offers internships in many industries, including: Advertising, Fashion, Marketing, Finance, Theatre/Arts, Hospitality & Tourism, Non-Profit, Real Estate, Legal, Photography, Publishing, Technology, Event Planning, Public RelationsTelevision and Broadcasting, and Music Radio.
This is a guaranteed internship program, which means, you are guaranteed an internship in the city of your choice, and if not, you are given your money back. But the chances of not being placed are extremely unlikely. According to the program's website, in the six years that they have been running their summer internship programs, they have successfully placed over 99% of enrolled participants. Not a bad deal right. To be eligible for the progam, you must be a full-time college student at a four-year university or have graduated with a Bachelor's or Master's Degree, but you must be within the age of 18-26. Your GPA should be 2.5 or higher and all majors are welcome.
The cost of the program differs according to which city you choose to live in.
New York: $7,499
Chicago: $6,499
San Francisco: $6,499
Los Angeles: $7,499
London: $8,999
Barcelona: $7,999
The dates of the program also differs according to which city you live in:
New York Session 1: 5/27 - 7/21
New York Session 2: 6/10 - 8/4
Chicago: 6/17 - 8/11
San Francisco: 6/10 - 8/4
Los Angeles: 6/24 - 8/18
London: 6/11 - 8/4
Barcelona: 6/24 - 8/18
The application deadline for San Francisco, Chicago, Barcelona, Los Angeles, and London is May 1, and the deadline for both sessions of New York is April 1.
My experience in New York City was the best experience I have ever had. Throughout the summer, I interned at BlackBook Magazine in NoHo, (BlackBook's office on Broadway seen below) in the advertising sec
I lived in one of NYU's dorms, located in Union Square, was provided with dinner everynight and a little extra money on my I.D. card for groceries in the dining hall and the Dunkin Donut's next door. I lived in an apartment style dorm with three other roommates from different schools, who I am still in contact with now. I attended weekly seminars every Wednesday night, with guest speakers such as Patrick Combs, who inspired us to break a 1-inch board in half with our hand, Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, a Ghanaian who overcame a disability to achieve his dreams, and Eric Lochtefeld, the company's founder.
Throughout the summer I was able to go on a double-decker bus tour through Manhattan and into Brooklyn, see the Broadway play "Rent," attend a Yankee's game against the Chicago White Sox, travel to Atlantic City for the fourth of July weekend, hop aboard a sunset cruise around NYC's harbor, and party at a VIP club the progam rented out just for the dreamers.
On my day's off, I found myself shopping at Bloomingdale's, constantly visiting the T

I have nothing but great things to say about University of Dreams. The program and the staff were so organized and for me, it was probably the biggest and scariest thing I had ever gotten myself into, and each member of the staff was so helpful and made it so easy for me to make the transition from a small town to a big city. It really was the summer of a lifetime. I met so many great new friends and made so many memories that will last forever.
If you would like to hear former dreamer's speak about the program and their experience, you can watch this video. Apply now and have the summer of dreams!
Monday, February 26, 2007
The Job Hunt
The Job Hunt...probably the most crucial part of getting settled into the Real World. And you wouldn't have a job without the hunting part of the process. This past weekend I spent a lot of time job hunting. With both my resume and cover letter perfected, I filled out applications for a summer staff position with University of Dreams and an associate editor position at Conde Nast. As stressful as it may be, I still find when I push the "APPLY" button so exhilerating.
So as I was searching the web for job hunting advice, I found tips, like I posted last week about Interviews, that make you aware of who to take tips from and to "Steer Clear of Bad Job-Hunting Advice."
Penelope Trunk, a former pro-volleyball player and now an advisor with careers and businesses, gives these eight tips for Job Hunting and who to take advice from, as the job world, in which I like to refer to as the real world, is changing:
Bad Rule 1: Draw a clear picture of yourself:
Trunk says that "a resume is not an autobiography, it's a marketing document." So instead of telling everyone everything about yourself, use this as your key in getting interviews. Your resume should make the employer want to know more about you, almost making it like a "tease," as Trunk states.
Bad Rule 2: Don't be too narrow:
"If you want to stand out, you have to stand for something." You want to appear unique to employers, almost like a specialist. Like Trunk says, "it's the specialists, not the generalists, who get what they want. That's because the specialists are the hardest to replace."
Bad Rule 3: Don't job-hop:
Trunk actually disagrees with the saying, "don't job-hop" because she says that job-hoppers are the happiest. She says, "Who cares about loyalty." Apparently, a person who changes jobs has a less boring lifestyle compared with the one who does, because their everyday work may get a little consistent. Unless you like consistency that is.
Bad Rule 4: Don't have gaps in your resume:
Gaps are sometimes seen as a place to grow with your resume and branch out with other activities and other employment opportunities. Unless your job is your only thing in your life, then gaps may be fine and they may work out for you. Gaps are sometimes an interesting point to talk about in your interviews, like other things that you may try out.
Bad Rule 5: Don't have typos in your resume:
Trunk's advice on this one may be a little wierd, but she says that she's not telling you to misspell words on purpose, but rather to not fret over a small typo in a resume. Not everything is perfect. Trunk states, "Look, if proofreading were such an easy job then publishing companies wouldn't have to hire proofreaders. So don't make yourself crazy about the typos, because while 10 typos is a sign of incompetence, one typo might be a sign that you have a moderate and healthy standard of perfectionism."
Bad Rule 6: Clean up your online identity:
Trunk says not to fret over pictures of yourself online when you were drunk that one time. She says that it's out of your control. Instead she says, is to build up your online identity with one that may pop up first when an employer googles your name or looks you up somewhere like a blog. Trunk feels that a blog is a place that may take the place of the drunk pictures and show employers what you want them to see.
Bad Rule 7: Treat a job hunt like a project and be a project manager:
Trunk says that that is great advice if you're looking for a job four times in your life. By building up your networks, you don't have time to take a break because Trunk compares being a good networker to being a good friend. She says to "treat your job hunt like a personal development project."
Those are some of Trunk's bad rules for job-hunting and either agree or disagree, whether you do or not, good luck with the job hunt!
For more of Trunk's advice: http://finance.yahoo.com/expert/article/careerist/19128
So as I was searching the web for job hunting advice, I found tips, like I posted last week about Interviews, that make you aware of who to take tips from and to "Steer Clear of Bad Job-Hunting Advice."
Penelope Trunk, a former pro-volleyball player and now an advisor with careers and businesses, gives these eight tips for Job Hunting and who to take advice from, as the job world, in which I like to refer to as the real world, is changing:
Bad Rule 1: Draw a clear picture of yourself:
Trunk says that "a resume is not an autobiography, it's a marketing document." So instead of telling everyone everything about yourself, use this as your key in getting interviews. Your resume should make the employer want to know more about you, almost making it like a "tease," as Trunk states.
Bad Rule 2: Don't be too narrow:
"If you want to stand out, you have to stand for something." You want to appear unique to employers, almost like a specialist. Like Trunk says, "it's the specialists, not the generalists, who get what they want. That's because the specialists are the hardest to replace."
Bad Rule 3: Don't job-hop:
Trunk actually disagrees with the saying, "don't job-hop" because she says that job-hoppers are the happiest. She says, "Who cares about loyalty." Apparently, a person who changes jobs has a less boring lifestyle compared with the one who does, because their everyday work may get a little consistent. Unless you like consistency that is.
Bad Rule 4: Don't have gaps in your resume:
Gaps are sometimes seen as a place to grow with your resume and branch out with other activities and other employment opportunities. Unless your job is your only thing in your life, then gaps may be fine and they may work out for you. Gaps are sometimes an interesting point to talk about in your interviews, like other things that you may try out.
Bad Rule 5: Don't have typos in your resume:
Trunk's advice on this one may be a little wierd, but she says that she's not telling you to misspell words on purpose, but rather to not fret over a small typo in a resume. Not everything is perfect. Trunk states, "Look, if proofreading were such an easy job then publishing companies wouldn't have to hire proofreaders. So don't make yourself crazy about the typos, because while 10 typos is a sign of incompetence, one typo might be a sign that you have a moderate and healthy standard of perfectionism."
Bad Rule 6: Clean up your online identity:
Trunk says not to fret over pictures of yourself online when you were drunk that one time. She says that it's out of your control. Instead she says, is to build up your online identity with one that may pop up first when an employer googles your name or looks you up somewhere like a blog. Trunk feels that a blog is a place that may take the place of the drunk pictures and show employers what you want them to see.
Bad Rule 7: Treat a job hunt like a project and be a project manager:
Trunk says that that is great advice if you're looking for a job four times in your life. By building up your networks, you don't have time to take a break because Trunk compares being a good networker to being a good friend. She says to "treat your job hunt like a personal development project."
Those are some of Trunk's bad rules for job-hunting and either agree or disagree, whether you do or not, good luck with the job hunt!
For more of Trunk's advice: http://finance.yahoo.com/expert/article/careerist/19128
Monday, February 19, 2007
What Not To Do In An Interview
I've never really had an interview experience, other than on the phone that lasted all of 15 minutes. All I know is that I was extremely nervous and made sure beforehand that my phone was fully charged, there was no outside noise, and to make a point of speaking as clearly as possible.
When reading tips for interview techniques, usually they are how to make the best of an interview and techniques on what to do right. So I came upon 10 tips on what not to do on an interview, by Joe Turner and I thought it was appropriate to clue people in on what to avoid when in on a job interview.
Turner compares a job interview to a date. He says, "When you're on a romantic dinner date, you try to avoid 'mood killers' - talking with a mouth full of food, cursing an ex-lover, or complaining about a foot ailment. During a job interview, you have to avoid similar spoilers if you want to make a good impression."
Here are Turner's "most common 'advantage killers:'"
1. Not Knowing Your Aim: Many people think that what they need to do in a job interview is to ask for a job. That seems obvious...But what you're really there is to explain to your possible future employer how fit you are for the specific job.
2. Being Too Needy: "Neediness is probably the No. 1 advantage-killer in an interview. Remind yourself before walking in the door: you do not need this job. You do need food, you do need air, and you do need water. Keep things in perspective."
3. Lousy Nonverbal Communication: First impressions are very important and you need to demonstrate that you have confidence. When walking into the interview, you need to make direct eye contact, stand up tall, and give a strong handshake.
4. Compromising Your Position: Always conduct yourself as an equal during the interview, not a subordinate to your interviewer.
5. Falling Into the Answers-Only Rut: An interview isn't just about you answering the questions that they ask. You should treat it as a conversation between the two of you. It is helpful to prepare what Turner calls "prepared stories" when highlighting your accomplishments and to also have a follow-up question of your own after answering their questions.
6. Rambling: "Telling your interviewer more than they need to know could be fatal. Your stories should be 60 to 90 seconds long and they should have a relevant point." Don't utilize unnecessary talk with silences. Your prepared stories and research should be your main focus when answering questions.
7. Being Overly Familiar: Just because an interviewer will make you feel comfortable after a little while doesn't mean that they have become your new best friend. You should keep treating it as a professional business meeting, with never letting your guard down.
8. Making Incorrect Assumptions: You know what they say when you assume something...Always make sure you are understanding what the interviewer is asking you or talking about, there are no stupid questions. Always ask for clarification if you don't understand something and make sure to take notes on what you're being told.
9. Getting Emotional: "At times the interviewer may hit a nerve or consciously try to provoke you into an "outburst." Don't fall for it. Clear your mind of any fears or expectations, so you can maintain a calm, open-minded perspective at all times. When emotions enter into an interview, failure follows."
10. Not Asking Specific Questions: It is always a good idea to go to the interview with a list of prepared questions having to do with the company, the position you are applying for, and the other employees that work there. Avoid questions that will just have a yes or no answer, but rather ask questions that begin with "what," "how," and "why."
If you'd like to read more in depth answers to Joe Turner's Interview techniques, visit: The 10 Biggest Interview Killers
Good Luck!
When reading tips for interview techniques, usually they are how to make the best of an interview and techniques on what to do right. So I came upon 10 tips on what not to do on an interview, by Joe Turner and I thought it was appropriate to clue people in on what to avoid when in on a job interview.
Turner compares a job interview to a date. He says, "When you're on a romantic dinner date, you try to avoid 'mood killers' - talking with a mouth full of food, cursing an ex-lover, or complaining about a foot ailment. During a job interview, you have to avoid similar spoilers if you want to make a good impression."
Here are Turner's "most common 'advantage killers:'"
1. Not Knowing Your Aim: Many people think that what they need to do in a job interview is to ask for a job. That seems obvious...But what you're really there is to explain to your possible future employer how fit you are for the specific job.
2. Being Too Needy: "Neediness is probably the No. 1 advantage-killer in an interview. Remind yourself before walking in the door: you do not need this job. You do need food, you do need air, and you do need water. Keep things in perspective."
3. Lousy Nonverbal Communication: First impressions are very important and you need to demonstrate that you have confidence. When walking into the interview, you need to make direct eye contact, stand up tall, and give a strong handshake.
4. Compromising Your Position: Always conduct yourself as an equal during the interview, not a subordinate to your interviewer.
5. Falling Into the Answers-Only Rut: An interview isn't just about you answering the questions that they ask. You should treat it as a conversation between the two of you. It is helpful to prepare what Turner calls "prepared stories" when highlighting your accomplishments and to also have a follow-up question of your own after answering their questions.
6. Rambling: "Telling your interviewer more than they need to know could be fatal. Your stories should be 60 to 90 seconds long and they should have a relevant point." Don't utilize unnecessary talk with silences. Your prepared stories and research should be your main focus when answering questions.
7. Being Overly Familiar: Just because an interviewer will make you feel comfortable after a little while doesn't mean that they have become your new best friend. You should keep treating it as a professional business meeting, with never letting your guard down.
8. Making Incorrect Assumptions: You know what they say when you assume something...Always make sure you are understanding what the interviewer is asking you or talking about, there are no stupid questions. Always ask for clarification if you don't understand something and make sure to take notes on what you're being told.
9. Getting Emotional: "At times the interviewer may hit a nerve or consciously try to provoke you into an "outburst." Don't fall for it. Clear your mind of any fears or expectations, so you can maintain a calm, open-minded perspective at all times. When emotions enter into an interview, failure follows."
10. Not Asking Specific Questions: It is always a good idea to go to the interview with a list of prepared questions having to do with the company, the position you are applying for, and the other employees that work there. Avoid questions that will just have a yes or no answer, but rather ask questions that begin with "what," "how," and "why."
If you'd like to read more in depth answers to Joe Turner's Interview techniques, visit: The 10 Biggest Interview Killers
Good Luck!
Monday, February 12, 2007

According to Cheryl Ferguson, Networking in the 21st Century "is more than just a buzzword. It's probably the best opportunity you will ever have to make connections, build relationships and help yourself and others in the networking group succeed." It "is also a great way to explore new career options, learn more about a specific industry, gather insights from peers on critical business issues and grow professionally.
She first says that you need to begin networking with a goal in mind. By thinking about what you want to accomplish, whether it's looking for a job, trying to develop new business or becoming like the go-to person in your industry or the industry you would like to become a part of, is what should be going through your mind as you begin to find contacts to network with.
The way to obtain networking contacts is easy. If you see a keynote speaker, get their email address, ask if you can contact them and discuss future job plans or if they are able to give you advice, search for contacts on the internet and send them an email, ask advisors and teachers in your major for different people that you may be able to contact, and even ask friends, you never who they might know.
Cheryl says to make sure that when making a new networking contact, just to listen and see what they have to say. By using this technique, she says that it "helps you gain insight as to how that contact can help you, making the connection stronger. It's not about collecting the most business cards; it's about collecting the right ones."
She also adds, that "if you're networking correctly, you'll find you have more visibility, greater knowledge, and a wider circle of reliable contacts; and that you can leverage those assets to further your career."
People that I began my networking with was my boss at BlackBook Magazine, a former dreamer, turned staff member, now starting her own editing firm in Manhattan, and my placement agent through the program. See, very easy.
If you would like to read more about Cheryl Ferguson and her networking techniques, visit: Cheryl's Tips.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Where I Hope To Be In 3 Months

My ideal job after graduating with my degree in Journalism from UA, would be to work for a magazine that deals with fashion and celebrities. How perfect would a job be, to get up in the morning, walk to work with a coffee in hand, have an office on say the 50th floor overlooking the skyline of Manhattan, and write or work with clothes and celebrities all day...sounds great to me!
My top three choices of magazines would be:
People Magazine...I've been reading this publication for at least eight years now, and it's one of my bookmarked websites that I must read everyday to hear about the latest celebrity gossip and see my favorite "star tracks."

By posting my top three dream jobs, it's a way for me to get started with sending out resumes and figuring out where I really want to be after graduation. I hope that it makes everyone out there think of where they ideally would like to work. The "Real World" can be as good or bad as you make it, and I say by starting here, it could be a dream come true.
(Pictures used from Yahoo Images)
Monday, January 29, 2007
The First Steps...Resume building

Before University of Dreams, my resume was nothing to be excited about. I had a few volunteer events written down and a job at a grocery store, in which I found out later that I shouldn't really be putting on my resume anyway, my GPA, and my semester when I recieved the award of Dean's List. That was all I had, and it wasn't much at all. When first being accepted into University of Dreams, you are given a placement agent. Lindsey Kane, a former "dreamer" and now an employee with the program, contacted me right away and started the building of my resume. The resume tutorial the program uses was designed by the world-renowned resume guru, But Nadler. With years of experience as a career center director and with career guidance, University of Dreams has worked with him for several years. Here are tips from the program's website on how to correctly build a resume:
On top of your resume, centered, is your contact information. First you put your name, then below your name, your address. Below your address is your email address and a phone number you can be reached at. You should only put one address, one email address, and one phone number because en employer may be confused if there is too much information.
The first section of your resume is one that is titled "Qualifications." Nadler says on the website that this section is "a way to cut through the standard clutter of generic resumes...Employers instantly note - by reading the header alone - that you are both interested in and qualified for their industry." For this section you want to be industry specific, but not too specific. According to the website, "Entertainment and Media Qualifications" and "General Management and Marketing Qualifications" are good, but "Independent Film Studio Qualifications" is too specific. You then would list 3-5 bulleted items identifying key skills, abilities or qualifications that you have underneath this header.
The next section is Education, but like before, don't just write Education, write a header that describes your education like, Journalism Education. You will need to include your current university, major, dates, and degree progress. You should include your GPA if it is higher than 3.0. Or if your major GPA is higher than your cumulative, then just write Major GPA and the figure. Special awards like Dean's List should be included as well.
The next section is Experience, which is optional. It is optional because employers are really only interested in work experience that is relevant to what you are applying to. So you wouldn't put that you worked at McDonald's for five years in high school if you were applying to work at a record company or a magazine. If you do choose to add this section, then like before, you describe your work experience with a not too specific header and then add 2-3 bulleted items describing what you achieved at your job.
The section that follows is Courses. This section is also optional. If you have taken courses at your university that are relevant to the job or field that you are applying to, then add each one, followed by 2-3 bulleted items of the most impressive tasks you performed in these courses.
The next section is Leadership/Community. This is also optional. You may not have enough information to put here. This isn't the place to list all the clubs you may be involved in and as a rule, don't include a Fraternity or Sorority unless you had a leadership position within your organization. You should include leadership positions that may have to do with the job you are applying to.
The last section is Awards. Like the others above, it is optional because there may not be a lot to put here. Impressive awards can be helpful and add to your resume's content.
After completing the last section, you are FINISHED! Thanks to the help of the University of Dreams' Resume building website, I hope all of you find this as helpful as I did and I hope that it gets you many places in life!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Entering into the Real World...The First Steps
Hi, I'm Erin and a senior studying journalism at the University of Arizona and my entering into the "Real World" is rapidly approaching. Graduating college and entering into the "Real World" makes me extremely nervous and anxious, and I'm sure there are many like me, feeling like this, out there.
When I was home during winter break, my dad gave me two projects that needed to be completed before I returned back to school. The first was to clean out my room and the second was to start sending out as many resumes as I could. Of course cleaning out my room was something that I was not looking forward to, especially since all I was really looking forward to was sleeping as much as I possibly could. As I finally worked up enough energy to fulfill my dad's requests, I began cleaning and cleaning and found many interesting things that I had saved throughout the years. One of the last things that I found was the four-year calendar that I had received at freshman orientation at UA. The calendar began with the year 2003 and ended in 2007. Remembering back to that day when I had first looked at the calendar, I couldn't believe that May 2007, where a star marking the day of graduation stood out SCREAMING at me on the page, was only 5 months away.
Thus, the second project began, sending out resumes.
As much motivation it took me to begin cleaning my room, just imagine that time times a million. That's how long it took my motivation to reach the level of actually doing something when it came to sending out my resumes. I think it was the fact that I couldn't believe I'd actually be out on my own and working at a real job in a matter of 5 months. I then began to realize that I just needed to do it and May would come if I sent them out or didn't, and I thought to myself that I'd be much happier that I'd sent them out then not sending them out.
My dream is to work at a magazine in New York City or Chicago and that's where I started. I began googling and looking in the Yellow Pages in those cities, for contact information of different magazines and publishing companies. My first resume and cover letter that I sent out was to Time Warner, which houses publications like People. After feeling a rush of excitement and accomplishment after sending out just one resume, I knew that this was what I needed to do and I began to accept that the future was coming and there was no way to avoid it. And in order to make this process go smoothly and not as stressful, I needed to begin to enjoy looking for a job and to begin looking forward to life after college.
I'm hoping that this blog will not only help and answer questions for myself in my search for jobs and with keeping my motivation high, but for others as well. By posting tips on sending out resumes, how to dress for interviews, where to search for jobs, and many others, I hope this blog will be useful.
In the meantime...here are a few links to job search websites that I started with:
And from the words of Monster.com..."Today's the Day," so get started! I know I will.
When I was home during winter break, my dad gave me two projects that needed to be completed before I returned back to school. The first was to clean out my room and the second was to start sending out as many resumes as I could. Of course cleaning out my room was something that I was not looking forward to, especially since all I was really looking forward to was sleeping as much as I possibly could. As I finally worked up enough energy to fulfill my dad's requests, I began cleaning and cleaning and found many interesting things that I had saved throughout the years. One of the last things that I found was the four-year calendar that I had received at freshman orientation at UA. The calendar began with the year 2003 and ended in 2007. Remembering back to that day when I had first looked at the calendar, I couldn't believe that May 2007, where a star marking the day of graduation stood out SCREAMING at me on the page, was only 5 months away.
Thus, the second project began, sending out resumes.
As much motivation it took me to begin cleaning my room, just imagine that time times a million. That's how long it took my motivation to reach the level of actually doing something when it came to sending out my resumes. I think it was the fact that I couldn't believe I'd actually be out on my own and working at a real job in a matter of 5 months. I then began to realize that I just needed to do it and May would come if I sent them out or didn't, and I thought to myself that I'd be much happier that I'd sent them out then not sending them out.
My dream is to work at a magazine in New York City or Chicago and that's where I started. I began googling and looking in the Yellow Pages in those cities, for contact information of different magazines and publishing companies. My first resume and cover letter that I sent out was to Time Warner, which houses publications like People. After feeling a rush of excitement and accomplishment after sending out just one resume, I knew that this was what I needed to do and I began to accept that the future was coming and there was no way to avoid it. And in order to make this process go smoothly and not as stressful, I needed to begin to enjoy looking for a job and to begin looking forward to life after college.
I'm hoping that this blog will not only help and answer questions for myself in my search for jobs and with keeping my motivation high, but for others as well. By posting tips on sending out resumes, how to dress for interviews, where to search for jobs, and many others, I hope this blog will be useful.
In the meantime...here are a few links to job search websites that I started with:
And from the words of Monster.com..."Today's the Day," so get started! I know I will.
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